5 Easy Things You Can Do To Keep Your Teeth White This Summer

Summer is a time of good fun and good food – and some of those foods can stain your teeth. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to keep your teeth white, even as you attend barbecue after barbecue this summer. By following these tips, and by visiting your dentist in Sugar Land, TX, you can help keep your teeth white and beautiful.

1. Swish With Water

Swishing with water after eating foods that stain your teeth can help wash away some of the ingredients that cause stains. You can swish with sparkling water or pure water – but don’t swish with soda or wine!

2. Know Foods that Stain

There are lots of foods that stain your teeth. Over the course of the summer, the ones you encounter most may include ketchup, barbecue sauce, tomato sauce, red wine, berries and soda. Note that white wine is acidic and can cause your teeth to stain your teeth too – even though it’s not actually a dark color.

3. Keep Up Your At-Home Oral Hygiene Habits

Keep up your oral hygiene habits. If you don’t have good oral hygiene habits, develop them! This includes brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing at least once per day. You can also brush your teeth about an hour after eating something that stains.

If this is important to you, keep a toothbrush in your car, at your desk at work, or in your purse, so you’ll have access to a toothbrush when you need it. Talk to your dentist about your tooth brushing technique to ensure that you’re brushing your teeth properly.

4. Visit the Dentist on Your Regular Schedule

Your dentist probably tells you to come in for regular tooth cleanings every six months. Visiting your dentist when it’s recommended can help keep your teeth healthy and white.

5. Talk to Your Dentist About Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening services in Sugar Land TX can help keep your teeth white and bright. Getting your teeth whitened this summer can help you avoid the stains that might come from those delicious backyard barbecues. Call today to make an appointment.


3 Dental Veneer FAQs

You may know a little about dental veneers, especially if you’re interested in improving your smile. This option is well-known for creating picture-perfect teeth without resorting to implants. What you might not know though is how the process works, who is a good candidate for it, and what exactly you can expect. We’ll take you through the top three questions, so you can make a more informed decision.

What Can I Expect When Getting Porcelain Dental Veneers?

This is a multi-appointment process, so be prepared to invest some time. You’ll first tell the prosthodontist (specialty dentist) what you’re looking for before the prosthodontist examines your teeth. Every veneer treatment will need to be customized depending on everything from the shape to the color to the spacing of your teeth. During the initial appointment, the prosthodontist may take X-rays.

On the next appointment, the dentist will prepare the tooth by removing a small amount of the tooth, making an impression, and then placing temporary veneers on the tooth. The last appointment will remove the temporary veneer and replace it with the permanent shell.

Why Choose Porcelain Over Composite?

Porcelain not only looks better, but it’s also more durable. You can choose the color of porcelain to ensure that it matches the rest of your teeth. When compared to other materials, it’s more resistant to staining. In general, a prosthodontist will recommend composite only if the tooth needs a very minor fix. In either case, the dental professional will work to preserve as much of the tooth’s original structure as possible

When Should I Not Get Dental Veneers?

The goal of dental veneers is to use the teeth you already have to make your smile come to life. If you have poor gum health or extensive tooth decay, dental veneers will simply cover up the problem. This may even make it harder for a dentist to administer another treatment should you need it sometime down the line.

Talking to your dentist will give you a better idea of how your dental veneer process will actually work. Your experience will be based on the extent of the work needed and the process of your dentist. Just make sure that you’re choosing someone who specializes in this procedure!


Are Mail-Order Braces a Good Idea?

You come across an ad for smile straighteners you can get right in the mail. Maybe you’ve always needed braces and never got them or have a few small issues you would like to correct. The idea of getting braces in the mail without ever visiting a dentist may seem attractive. However, mail-order smile aligners may not be as good as they seem. Take a look at some of the downfalls of this too-good-to-be-true solution.

You are never directly assessed by an orthodontist during treatment.

When you are referred to an orthodontist for braces, you will go through a thorough evaluation of all of the parts of your mouth. Yes, the orthodontist will likely take impressions of your teeth, but these impressions are not the single determining factor for how your treatment progresses from there.

Important professionals recommend against mail-order braces.

Both the American Asociation of Orthodontists and the American Dental Association recommend steering clear of offers for mail-order braces. Both of these organizations dictate the standards of care with dental health, and their recommendations should be highly regarded. Both organizations have released statements warning that improper treatment with braces without the oversight of a medical professional could lead to negative consequences or outcomes. For example, if your teeth are improperly moved with the treatment, you may end up with a lot of costly treatment required to actually get your teeth straight.

The treatment is not really tailored to you personally.

This downfall can seem counterintuitive. After all, you do give impressions of your mouth and get sets of aligners that are custom-made for you. However, it is not the aligners that you get that are not tailored to you; it is the treatment. When you work directly with an orthodontist with braces, you will go in periodically to make sure the braces are working. When you are simply getting a set of aligners, you do not have anyone adjusting your treatment as your smile changes. If something happens and one set of aligners is not moving your teeth in the right direction, you would never have someone watching to make sure adjustments are made to the treatment plan.

Talk to a Dentist in Sugar Land About Braces

In the end, it is far better to trust a dentist’s advice about braces and an orthodontist when it comes to braces treatment. Reach out to us at First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry for advice.



Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Are you living with stained or damaged teeth? The appearance of your teeth affects most areas of your life. It determines how strangers form their first impression of you, and can be either helpful or detrimental when it comes time to interview for that dream job. If you’re worried about what your smile may say about you, dental implants could be the solution.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth attached to posts implanted in your gums. They’re a permanent solution for missing or extracted teeth. They fill unsightly gaps and help prevent bone loss inside your mouth. Dental implants look and perform just like your natural teeth, so no one will ever know you weren’t born with them.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

To qualify for dental implant procedure, you must meet several important criteria, including:

  • You’re a non-smoker.
  • You have good, overall oral health
  • There are no pre-existing conditions that could impede healing.
  • There is sufficient healthy jawbone tissue present.
  • You have missing teeth or teeth that are too damaged to repair.

Many people are suitable candidates for this dental procedure, but you must commit to a period of months to allow the implanted posts to bond with your jawbone. Dental implants require repeat visits to your dental professional with sufficient healing time in between.

What’s Involved in a Dental Implant Procedure?

Your dental professional will first implant a titanium post in your gums. Over time, this post will osseointegrate, or bond, to your jawbone. Once you’ve healed from this procedure, your dentist will place an abutment on the post. This acts as a connector of sorts, between the artificial tooth and the titanium post. The last step in the procedure involves placing the dental prosthetic onto the abutment. Your new tooth or fixture will function just like a natural tooth, and you’ll care for it in the same way. There’s no need to remove it for sleeping or cleaning. Dental implants help you avoid the damaging bone loss that comes when teeth are lost or extracted and nothing is used to replace them.

To schedule a consultation for dental implants in Sugar Land, Texas, call First Dental, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry today.


Frequently Asked Questions About Veneers

When a person has teeth that are damaged or don’t look their best, it can be a huge blow to self-esteem and impact their lives in many ways. To solve this problem, dentists offer porcelain veneers that can provide a positive transformation to most patients. If you’re considering veneers but need more information, here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding porcelain veneers.

What is a Porcelain Veneer?

A thin piece of porcelain that is cut precisely to the shape of a patient’s tooth, a porcelain veneer is bonded to the front of a tooth to help with cracks, chips, and gaps.

How Will  Veneer Help My Teeth?

Along with helping minimize cracks, chips, and gaps in teeth, a porcelain veneer will also help improve teeth structurally and cosmetically. In doing so, a patient’s dental health is greatly improved, as is their self-esteem.

Will a Porcelain Veneer Ruin or Damage My Teeth?

Certainly not. While veneers will alter the shape, size, and shade of your teeth, cementing them over your teeth will not damage or ruin your teeth.

What if My Teeth are Discolored?

Even if your teeth are severely discolored due to coffee stains, medications, excessive amounts of fluoride, or other substances, porcelain veneers can easily make your teeth look white and sparkling once again.

Will My Teeth be Sensitive After Getting Porcelain Veneers?

In most cases, patients experience little if any sensitivity immediately after they receive porcelain veneers.

How Many Visits Will I Need?

When most patients receive porcelain veneers, it will take two visits. At the first visit, the patient’s teeth will be examined, prepared, and shaped. During the second visit, the veneers will be cemented to the teeth. Between visits, temporary restorations can be put in place to minimize sensitivity, help with eating, and add attractiveness to the patient’s smile.

Unfortunately, many people go for years or even their whole lives with teeth that are damaged due to a variety of factors. Rather than endure physical pain from damaged teeth or emotional pain due to a smile you are not proud of day after day, schedule a consultation with us at your earliest convenience to learn more about how porcelain veneers can change your life and your smile.


First Steps Before Cosmetic Dentistry

If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry, there are some things you should know ahead of time. Chances are, if you are thinking about ways to improve the appearance of your teeth, you may already have some dental conditions that are less than ideal. Before moving on to cosmetic dentistry, these conditions will need to be remedied. Here are the first steps before cosmetic dentistry.


You will need to schedule a consultation with your dentist before scheduling any cosmetic dentistry treatments. At the consultation, you and your dentist will review your ultimate dental goals; how you want your teeth to look, what conditions you would like to see resolved, etc. Next, your dentist will do an examination to determine the current condition of your teeth. Your dentist will then go over their recommendations for the next steps.

Resolving Problems

The next step will likely be to resolve existing problems in your mouth. This may include things like filling cavities, resolving periodontal disease, allowing gums to heal and more. The reason for this is because your teeth and gums should be in the best possible health—not necessarily appearance—a condition in order to ensure the best odds for cosmetic dentistry solutions success.

Taking Time

if your dentist determines that you have existing dental health problems that need to be resolved, there may be an extended period of time needed to take care of them. This may mean many weeks, or even months. Be patient. The long-term results will be worth the wait. If you need to take time off work to get your dental health problems resolved before cosmetic dentistry, do so. It’s better to stay on the schedule that your dentist recommends. Follow instructions to the letter so that your cosmetic dentistry can take place as soon as possible.

Remember, cosmetic dentistry is a way to change the appearance of your teeth, not to directly fix dental health issues. If you have underlying conditions such as periodontal disease, you and your dentist will need to address that condition first. That’s the best way to ensure that your cosmetic dentistry will look great and last for decades to come. For more information about your cosmetic dentistry options, please contact our office today.

Thinking of Getting Adult Braces? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’ve never been entirely happy with your smile, it could be because your teeth aren’t as straight as you’d like them to be. However, now that you’re an adult, you may be thinking that it’s too late for braces. Fortunately, braces designed for use by adults have become increasingly popular in recent years — but don’t worry, it’s not necessary to look like you’re wearing a mouth full of metal in order to get the straight teeth of your dreams.

The most common and popular types of adult braces are clear aligners that are custom-shaped to fit comfortably over your teeth. They are virtually undetectable to others, so you won’t have to worry that wearing braces will negatively impact your professional or social life. Here’s what you need to know about clear aligners.

You’ll Be Able to Eat and Drink Anything You Like

One of the biggest drawbacks of wearing traditional braces is the abundance of dietary restrictions involved. With clear aligners, however, you’ll be able to simply slip them off when it’s time to enjoy a meal or snack and put them back on afterward. Keep in mind that it’s important to brush and floss your teeth after eating and drinking and before putting your clear aligners back in. If this isn’t possible, be sure you rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water after you’re finished.

Cleaning Clear Aligners is Easy

Ask your dentist about cleaning products designed to keep clear aligners clean and free of bacteria — all it takes is a few minutes each evening to soak the aligners in the special solution. You can also clean them with a soft-bristled brush.

You May Experience a Reduced Treatment Time

One of the reasons why adults are sometimes reluctant to pursue the idea of braces is because they believe they’ll have to wear them for as long as two years. You may only need to wear clear aligners for a year or 18 months, depending on individual circumstances.

Please feel free to reach out to our office at your earliest convenience for more information on how First Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can help you get the straight, dazzling smile of your dreams.



Cosmetic Dentistry FAQ

You probably already know that an attractive smile goes a long way when it comes to maintaining a positive sense of self. You probably also know that cosmetic dentistry options exist designed to help you make the absolute most out of your appearance — but nonetheless, you may not be quite sure of whether cosmetic dentistry is a possibility for your individual needs and preferences.

There are many reasons why people choose to have cosmetic dentistry procedures performed. The following are three of the most common reasons why people seek cosmetic dentistry.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is probably the most common form of cosmetic dentistry. It’s used for simply adding a few extra wattage to lightly stained teeth to those that are severely stained. Topical treatments include gels, strips, and specialty toothpastes. Laser procedures are also an option for those whose teeth are badly discolored and don’t respond to traditional treatments. Your dentist will be able to advise you on a customized tooth whitening strategy designed to suit your individual needs and preferences.

Teeth Straightening

Many of those who seek teeth straightening solutions do so because they are unhappy with their appearance, but crooked teeth may also make it difficult to eat and speak properly, and in some cases, they may even have a negative effect on the overall appearance of the face. Braces aren’t just for teenagers anymore — if you’re an adult who wants to have your teeth straightened but doesn’t want to wear metal in your mouth, talk to your dentist about clear braces designed to be discreet.

Teeth Restoration

There are a number of teeth restoration services associated with cosmetic dentistry. For instance, crowns are often used to cover teeth that are discolored to the extent that teeth whitening procedures aren’t a viable option. Crowns are also used to cover broken or chipped teeth. Implants, bridges, and even full dentures also have cosmetic aspects — as with many cosmetic procedures, these also have functionality advantages. For instance, you’ll definitely look better with crowns covering chipped teeth or with implants replacing missing teeth, but you’ll be able to chew your food better as well.

For individualized answers to your questions about cosmetic dentistry, please feel free to contact our office today to schedule an appointment.