What Happens If You Don’t Floss Your Teeth?

No one likes to floss their teeth. So why bother? Your dentist in Sugar Land, TX, will tell you why. And you’re not going to like it! Keep reading to learn what happens when you don’t floss.

If you choose not to floss your teeth regularly (or at all), you can expect one or more consequences.

Bleeding Gums

When you don’t floss, plaque will build up on your gums. This causes inflammation, which leads to bleeding gums. Then you will need to schedule a dental exam in Sugar Land, TX to fix them.

Bad Breath

When you don’t floss, food particles remain stuck between your teeth. That food is then broken down by bacteria. Your mouth will then produce sulfur compounds, leading to bad breath.

Loose Teeth

When you don’t floss, your mouth accumulates bacteria. That bacteria will cause inflammation. Then, that inflammation causes the collagen and fibers that hold your teeth together to break down. And that will eventually cause your teeth to become loose and/or fall out.

Chronic Health Problems

When you don’t floss, you risk oral bacteria spreading to other parts of your body. This could result in any number of chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and even weight gain.


If you don’t floss, bacteria and a buildup of pathogens occur between your teeth. Your mouth leads to your lungs. So, the buildup of bacteria and pathogens can cause pneumonia.

Pregnancy Issues

If you’re pregnant and don’t floss your teeth, the buildup of oral bacteria can spread to your developing baby. This is because that bacteria will be absorbed into your bloodstream and spread throughout your body.

Increased Chances of Getting HPV

Believe it or not, if you don’t floss your teeth, you up your chances of getting HPV. The CDC did a study that found people who don’t take care of their oral health are twice as likely to get HPV than those who do.

Looking for a Dentist in Sugar Land, TX?

Routine dental appointments are a must if you want to preserve your oral health. Please Contact First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry today to schedule an exam. You don’t want to risk losing your teeth! So take care of them now to avoid problems later.

4 Good Dental Habits to Work On In 2024  

It’s important to maintain good dental habits so you can take good care of your teeth. There are many things that you can do to ensure that your teeth are in good condition. If you’re not taking the best care of your teeth, 2024 is the year to start. Work with your dentist in Sugarland, TX, to take better care of your teeth.

1. Brush Up Your Toothbrushing Technique

Using correct tooth-brushing techniques is important. Many people scrub their teeth too hard, use the wrong kind of toothbrush, or brush their teeth for too short a period of time. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush your teeth gently for two minutes each time. If you have an electric toothbrush, that’s even better. Electric toothbrushes are shown to be more effective at removing plaque.

2. Make a Commitment to Remembering Both Dental Appointments

Most dentists recommend that their patients come for dental checkups twice per year. If you have a hard time remembering to make those dental appointments twice yearly, take steps to remind yourself when the time comes to make another appointment. Some suggestions:

  • Mark your calendar when it’s time to call the dentist.
  • Download a task/organizer app that will help you remember to make your dental appointments.

Don’t wait to make your two dental appointments in 2024. Stretching out the time between dental appointments just leads to more dental calculus buildup on your teeth and can lead to more problems down the road.

3. Eat Less Sugar

Sugar is bad for your teeth and can lead to problems like dental decay, cavities, and infection. Make a commitment to eat less sugar by eating more sugarless treats. This may mean buying sugar-free candies, or it could mean eating more foods like nuts.

4. Consume More Crunchy Fruits and Veggies

There are many foods that are good for your teeth, and that’s especially true of crunchy fruits and vegetables. Crunchy fruits and vegetables stimulate saliva production and stimulate your gums, which helps keep your teeth clean and healthy. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain vitamins that are good for your tooth enamel.

Want more information about how you can keep your teeth clean? Make a dental checkup in Sugarland, TX, with First Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. Call today.


Why Are My Teeth Stained? What Can I Do?  

Teeth can get stained with time. Often, stains form on the teeth because of lifestyle habits and favorite foods. If you want whiter, brighter teeth, your dentist in Sugar Land, TX can help. Here’s what you need to know about what causes teeth to become stained and how to fix the problem.

What Causes Teeth to Become Stained?

Teeth often become stained because of the foods we eat. Everything from coffee to red wine can cause teeth to become stained. Some examples of staining foods include:

  • Barbecue sauce
  • Tomato sauce
  • Coffee and tea
  • White wine and red wine
  • Cranberry juice
  • Berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc)
  • Gravy
  • Cola
  • Curry
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Soy sauce

Other things that also stain the teeth include smoking and tobacco use. This kind of habit can cause teeth to turn brown over time. You may also experience some staining if you have poor oral hygiene. Plaque and tartar can contribute to staining, and if that plaque and tartar aren’t removed regularly, this can make the problem worse.

How Can I Make My Teeth Whiter and Brighter?

In some cases, a lifestyle change can help reduce staining. If you smoke, for example, you may need to stop smoking before engaging in any teeth whitening efforts. If you don’t stop smoking, whitening your teeth won’t work well, or the effects won’t last long. If you don’t smoke and your teeth are stained because of the foods you eat, there are many things you can do to whiten your teeth.

  • Brush your teeth twice daily. Brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing once daily can help you maintain clean, white teeth.
  • Brush with whitening toothpaste. Some whitening toothpastes can help keep your teeth whiter, although they will not whiten them dramatically.
  • See the dentist twice annually. Go to the dentist twice per year for a teeth cleaning appointment.

Get Your Teeth Whitened

If your teeth are stained, a professional whitening with your dentist can help turn them whiter and brighter by several shades.

For professional teeth whitening in Sugar Land, TX, call First Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry today to make an appointment. We can help!


5 Ways to Maintain Good Dental Health this Summer

Do you want to take good care of your teeth this summer? There are many things you can do to make this happen. From seeing the dentist in Sugarland, TX to working hard on your oral health at home, you can go the extra mile to maintain clean, healthy teeth all summer long. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Maintain Good Oral Health At Home

The oral hygiene routine you maintain at home plays an important role in your overall oral health and wellness.

  • Brush your teeth twice daily. Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes at a time. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles, and don’t push too hard when you’re brushing.
  • Floss once daily. Flossing once daily can help keep the bacteria out of the spaces between your teeth, and can help improve your gum health.

2. Brush Your Teeth With An Electric Toothbrush

Switch out your manual toothbrush for an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes have been shown to promote better oral health for users. In fact, people who use an electric toothbrush have been shown to keep their teeth for longer. Why?

Most electric toothbrushes have an oscillating head that just cleans teeth better. Electric toothbrushes also come with features that help you clean your teeth better, like a timer that ensures your tooth brushing stops after two minutes.

3. See the Dentist for a Dental Cleaning

If you haven’t been to the dentist yet in the last 6 months, go! Going to the dentist two times per year helps keep your teeth clean and prevents plaque from building up on your teeth. Going to the dentist two times per year also helps catch oral health problems in their early stages, so they can be fixed before they become a bigger problem.

4. Get a Brushing and Flossing Tutorial from Your Dentist

When you go to the dentist for your cleaning, ask your dentist to show you how to brush and floss properly. Getting a tutorial will help you build up your oral hygiene skills and take better care of your teeth.

5. Eat Foods That Are Good for Your Teeth

Want to know more about maintaining good oral hygiene in Sugarland, TX? Contact First Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. We can answer your questions and give you advice at your next appointment.

The 5 Most Common Causes of Tooth Enamel Loss

Are you wondering how you can prevent tooth enamel loss in Sugar Land, TX? We are here to give you the most common causes of tooth enamel loss and what you can do to prevent it.

Here are five of the most common causes of tooth enamel loss and what you can do to prevent it.

1. Poor Dental Hygiene

Your mouth contains about 700 species of bacteria. Most are harmless and others help with digestion. However, there are some that cause tooth decay and gum disease. Therefore, you need to brush and floss at least twice a day or this bad bacteria will erode your tooth enamel.

2. Food and Diet

Your dentist in Sugar Land, TX will tell you that one of the main culprits of tooth enamel loss comes from your diet and the acids in the foods and drinks you consume. Your saliva is designed to neutralize the acid in your mouth which, in turn, helps protect your teeth. However, if you consume too many acidic foods and drinks, then you don’t brush your teeth correctly, the exterior layer of enamel on your teeth will degrade over time.

Here are the most common items that cause tooth enamel loss when consumed.

  • Sugary foods like candy, ice cream, syrups, etc.
  • Starchy foods like bread.
  • Carbonated sodas, in addition to the sugar it has in them, also contain citric acid and phosphoric acid as well.
  • Citrus fruits and excessive vitamin C.
  • Fruit juices and other fruity drinks.

3. Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is another major cause of tooth enamel loss. Talk with your dentist in Sugar Land, TX for information about how to prevent teeth grinding.

4. Acid Reflux

Acid reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) is a condition where your stomach acids back up into your mouth throughout the day. This constant gastric acid can cause the loss of your tooth enamel.

5. Using the Wrong Mouthwash

The mouthwash ingredient chlorhexidine gluconate is used in germicidal mouthwashes as a disinfectant and antiseptic. And while it works quite well for that, it is also known to increase the formation of tarter on your teeth which could affect your tooth enamel.

What’s Next?

If you want more information about how to prevent tooth enamel loss, please Contact First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry today. We have been bringing healthy, beautiful smiles to Texas since 1997 and we look forward to serving you too!

What’s Causing My Teeth to Stain?

When you were little, your teeth were pearly and white. As you aged, your teeth became slightly yellow with age. As an adult, you may see now that your teeth are a slightly yellow or brownish color. What caused your teeth to change, and what can you do about it?

It can be discouraging when your teeth get stained over time. Fortunately, you can take control of the color of your teeth. Knowing what causes teeth to become stained and where to get your teeth whitened can help you maintain beautiful, white, healthy teeth. Here’s what you need to know.

What Causes Teeth to Stain?

Teeth become stained when you eat foods and drink beverages that stain tooth enamel. Dark-colored foods and beverages, as well as acidic foods, can play a role in the staining of your teeth. Here’s what to watch out for:

  • Coffee
  • Soda
  • Beets
  • Soy sauce
  • Tomato sauce
  • Red wine
  • White wine
  • Barbecue sauce

Want to know one other thing that can stain your teeth? Smoking. People who smoke often struggle to keep their teeth white. The longer you smoke, the harder it will become to maintain attractive, white teeth.

What Can You Do to Get Rid of Stains on Teeth?

There are many products sold in pharmacies that can help people get rid of stains on their teeth. Tooth whitening toothpaste and home whitening kits do have an effect on the way your teeth look. However, the best way to make your teeth white is to visit your dentist in Sugar Land, TX. Getting your teeth whitened in Sugar Land is the best way to see fast, long-lasting results.

There are many methods that dentists use to professionally whiten their patient’s teeth. When you visit your dentist, you can learn more about the best way to get your teeth whitened by a dental pro.

Contact Your Dentist in Sugar Land

Are you upset by the color of your teeth? You can change your teeth back to a beautiful white. To find out more about how you can improve the color of your teeth, call First Dental today.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a condition that causes inflammation of the gum tissue. It is an extremely common condition. In fact, half of people who are over the age of 30 have gum disease. Gum disease in Sugarland, TX is as prevalent as it is in the rest of the country.

The First Stage of Gum Disease

Gingivitis is known as the mild form of gum disease. It causes redness and swelling in the gums. In most cases, proper oral care can prevent or reverse gum disease. Technically, anyone can develop gum disease. However, chronic substance abuse, certain diseases, inadequate nutrition, stress and hormonal fluctuations can make a person more susceptible to developing gum disease.

The Second Stage of Gum Disease

If gingivitis is not treated, then it will eventually turn into periodontitis. When this happens, the gums will begin to separate from the teeth. Pockets will also develop around the teeth. Untreated periodontitis will often cause the teeth to loosen from their sockets and fall out.

Treating Gum Disease in Sugarland

There are a few ways that gum disease can be treated. Your dentist in Sugarland, TX may recommend scaling and cleaning. The dentist will use a device to clean below the gumline. They will use either an ultrasonic device or a hand tool. Root planing can get rid of the large pockets around your tooth. This may require one or two trips to your Sugarland, TX dentist for gum disease.

There are also medications that can be used to treat gum disease. For example, your dentist may recommend using chlorhexidine, which is a type of clinical mouthwash. It has been shown to be effective at controlling the growth of harmful oral bacteria.

How to Prevent Gum Disease

The best thing that you can do to prevent gum disease is to have regular dental checkups. Most people will need to see a dentist twice a year. However, if you have had a history of dental problems, then you may need to see your dentist more often. At home, you should floss and brush regularly.

Gum disease is a serious condition, but it is entirely preventable. If you have concerns about gum disease in Sugarland, TX, contact your dentist for an appointment today.

5 Easy Things You Can Do To Keep Your Teeth White This Summer

Summer is a time of good fun and good food – and some of those foods can stain your teeth. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to keep your teeth white, even as you attend barbecue after barbecue this summer. By following these tips, and by visiting your dentist in Sugar Land, TX, you can help keep your teeth white and beautiful.

1. Swish With Water

Swishing with water after eating foods that stain your teeth can help wash away some of the ingredients that cause stains. You can swish with sparkling water or pure water – but don’t swish with soda or wine!

2. Know Foods that Stain

There are lots of foods that stain your teeth. Over the course of the summer, the ones you encounter most may include ketchup, barbecue sauce, tomato sauce, red wine, berries and soda. Note that white wine is acidic and can cause your teeth to stain your teeth too – even though it’s not actually a dark color.

3. Keep Up Your At-Home Oral Hygiene Habits

Keep up your oral hygiene habits. If you don’t have good oral hygiene habits, develop them! This includes brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing at least once per day. You can also brush your teeth about an hour after eating something that stains.

If this is important to you, keep a toothbrush in your car, at your desk at work, or in your purse, so you’ll have access to a toothbrush when you need it. Talk to your dentist about your tooth brushing technique to ensure that you’re brushing your teeth properly.

4. Visit the Dentist on Your Regular Schedule

Your dentist probably tells you to come in for regular tooth cleanings every six months. Visiting your dentist when it’s recommended can help keep your teeth healthy and white.

5. Talk to Your Dentist About Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening services in Sugar Land TX can help keep your teeth white and bright. Getting your teeth whitened this summer can help you avoid the stains that might come from those delicious backyard barbecues. Call today to make an appointment.


Diabetes and Your Smile – Important Things to Know

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in 10 people in America have diabetes. While this disease that is characterized by unstable blood sugar levels is common, it can have detrimental effects on your smile. At our dental practice in Sugar Land, we help people with diabetes maintain and restore their beautiful smiles on a regular basis. Take a look at some of the things you should know about your smile if you have diabetes.

Diabetes can be linked to tooth loss.

Tooth loss is a major risk you face if you have uncontrolled diabetes. In fact, a great deal of tooth loss can be attributed to oral health conditions that are specifically brought on by diabetes. Therefore, you do have to be especially vigilant about taking care of your teeth and maintaining stable blood sugar levels as a diabetic.

Your smile may need added attention from a dentist.

If you do have diabetes, you can expect that your general dentist will want to see you a bit more often to monitor the health of your smile. Diabetes can lead to more issues with plaque accumulation and decay. Therefore, your cleanings will be even more important and your regular checkups may need to be handled in a more timely way. Likewise, if you have any small issues with your oral health, your dentist will likely want to keep a closer eye on the situation because you can be more prone to developing a risky infection.

You may be more prone to cosmetic smile issues.

From tooth discoloration to changes in alignment, diabetes issues for the long term can bring a lot of changes to the appearance of your smile. Thankfully, a number of cosmetic dental treatments may help keep your smile looking more like yours in spite of some of the changes you may see.

Discuss Diabetes and Your Smile with a Sugar Land, TX Dentist

Even with diabetes, you don’t have to face losing your smile. Modern dental technology has afforded so many new ways we can help people keep a healthy smile in spite of some of the biggest challenges. Not to mention, restorative options are more accessible now than ever. If you would like to schedule an appointment, reach out to us at First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Sugar Land, TX.



How to Teach Youngsters Good Oral Hygiene

When you were a kid, it probably took some persuasion from your parents to make you brush your teeth. However, as you got older, you realized how important good oral hygiene is to your overall health. Thus, now that you have your own kids, you want to instill good dental habits as early as possible. If you’re ready to teach good oral hygiene to your kids but need some ideas on how to do so, here are some tips that will have your kids more eager than ever to brush and floss.

Be a Good Example

Since kids imitate what they see, be a good example for your kids by brushing your teeth at least twice per day for a minimum of two minutes, and also flossing for at least one minute during one of those brushing sessions.

Let Your Kids Choose Their Oral Hygiene Supplies

Rather than stick a plain toothbrush in your child’s hand, let them pick out their own toothbrush and toothpaste. Since many of today’s oral hygiene supplies for kids are linked to cartoons, television shows, and movie characters, there should be plenty of great options available to get any kid excited about brushing and flossing.

Use Sing-Along Tunes

A great way for kids to memorize information about oral hygiene, sing-along tunes can easily be incorporated into a child’s daily brushing routine. By making brushing and flossing a fun experience, it will motivate your child to do it on a regular basis.

Reward Your Child for Brushing

As an incentive, offer various rewards big and small for your child. For example, you can say that if they brush and floss each day during the week, they can pick out a favorite movie to go see over the weekend.

Eat Healthy

By teaching your kids to eat healthy foods on a daily basis and avoid snacks loaded with sugar, good oral hygiene habits can start at a very early age. While a piece of candy is fine now and then, show them that apples and carrots are much better choices for snacks.

Once your child has a cool toothbrush, has memorized a cute song, and knows a fun reward awaits them, brushing and flossing daily will be an exciting part of their day.