Teeth are Stained and Damaged? 5 Reasons to Consider Dental Bonding

If you have teeth that are damaged in some way, you may have many options for improving their appearance. One of the options we offer to patients at First Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is called dental bonding. As your dentist in Sugar Land, TX, we think it’s important to offer this type of care to ensure that you have options when restoring your teeth. 

This important cosmetic dental procedure can help protect your teeth while improving their appearance. Dental bonding is a composite resin that attaches to the tooth enamel, creating a protective top layer on the front of your teeth. Below are some of the benefits of dental bonding. 

1. Dental Bonding Covers Up Stains

Are your teeth discolored in a way that can’t be improved with dental whitening? If so, then dental bonding can help. Dental bonding doesn’t just brighten your tooth enamel as dental whitening does. Dental bonding covers up the tooth enamel to hide problems like discolorations and stains. 

2. Dental Bonding Is Less Invasive Than Dental Veneers

Dental bonding works in a way that is similar to dental veneers. Dental veneers are basically covers that attach to the front of the teeth to hide cosmetic defects. However, dental veneers require the tooth enamel to be shaved down slightly to make space before the veneer can be attached. Dental bonding doesn’t need any changes to be made to the tooth at all. The composite resin can be attached without making space. 

3. Dental Bonding Can Add Length to Short Teeth

Are your teeth a little too short? Bonding can add length to short teeth to give them the appearance that you’ve been hoping for. 

4. Dental Bonding Can Cover Chips

Bonding can cover up chips and breaks in the tooth enamel that can be embarrassing. If your teeth have an uneven appearance, dental bonding can help.

5. Bonding Is Fast and Convenient

Unlike some cosmetic dentistry procedures that require more than one office visit, dental bonding can be completed in a single appointment. 

Are you interested in dental bonding in Sugar Land, TX? If so, the dental professionals at First Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can help. We offer dental bonding, veneers and more. Call today to make your appointment.


How a Biofeedback Mechanism Can Help You Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism in the medical world, can be caused by anything from short-term stress to chronic anger. The point of biofeedback is to give people the ability to control their emotions by recognizing the physical signs of anxiety or frustration.

If you’re suffering from bruxism in Sugar Land, TX, a condition that can weaken your teeth immeasurably, you might reasonably wonder how a biofeedback mechanism would work for the condition. We’ll look at the details of the treatment and why you might use it if you’re wearing your chompers down every night.

How Does Biofeedback Work?

Biofeedback is a subtle way to remind the body how to behave. It may not work while you’re sleeping, but you can use the information collected during the day to help you regulate everything from your blood pressure to your heart rate. The more you can keep a handle on the physical responses of your body, the easier it is to give your mind a much-needed break. If you can learn to relax your whole body, you aren’t likely to be plagued with negative emotions while you’re asleep.

The types of biofeedback available will depend on your condition. If you’re prone to a racing heartbeat, a doctor might set you up with a sensor that connects via your wrist, chest, or torso. This serves as a reminder for when your body begins to spin out of control, so you can slow your heart before it has the chance to really get going. Biofeedback devices are more associated with doctors than they are with dentists, but a dentist will know how they work and whether they’re worth considering for you.

Teeth Clenching in Sugar Land, TX

Grinding your teeth is something of a blend in terms of specialties. It’s a physical manifestation of extremely powerful emotions. While you might choose to visit an ENT or a psychiatrist, you can also consider First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. If anger or stress management tactics aren’t working, then having concrete data may be what your body needs to make a change. Our staff is here to help you find long-term solutions, so you can keep your teeth for longer. Contact us today.

3 Tips for Teeth Grinders

Teeth grinding, sometimes called bruxism, can be a difficult problem for many people. Because it mainly happens while people are asleep, they have to wait until the dentist tells them that they’re even doing it. Clenching your teeth once in a while won’t make a difference to your oral health, but constant grinding can cause everything from unexplained headaches to severely damaged teeth. We’ll look at three tips if you’re grinding your teeth in Sugar Land, TX.

1. Take Immediate Action

Teeth grinding is associated with a loss of tooth enamel, which will make the teeth more sensitive. The repetition can also cause more severe injury, including breaking or fracturing. Because you’re unlikely to be able to direct yourself not to grind your teeth while you’re asleep, we recommend a mouth guard at night. This doesn’t have to be a permanent solution, but more of a stop gap as you work on the larger problem. Whether it’s a custom-made one (which we recommend) or a store-bought one, you’re giving your teeth some degree of protection at night.

2. Focus on Relaxing

Teeth grinding and stress very much go hand-in-hand, so it pays to have a more relaxing routine. Easy ways to bring down the tension include more exercise, fewer screens, and a quick massage of your jaw muscles. If you find yourself clenching your mouth when you’re under pressure, stop and take a few deep breaths. Amp up your bedtime ritual so you’re giving your bodies clear signals that the day is winding down. This can mean anything from having a cup of herbal tea to reading a boring book right before turning out the lights.

3. Visit the Right Dentist in Sugar Land, TX

Teeth grinding symptoms are usually the result of stress but can be exacerbated by chewing things like ice, taffy, or even steak. A good dentist in Sugar Land, TX can shed more insight into why you’re grinding your teeth and how you can prevent it on a long-term basis. At First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we’re here to help teeth grinders get the support and treatment they need to break the habit. Contact us today to see how we can help you get the situation under control.

How to Build a Dental Emergency First Aid Kit 

While most people are well-prepared to handle basic emergency situations at home like burns and lacerations, a lot of people also don’t know how to react when they are dealing with a dental emergency. As an emergency dentist in Sugar Land, TX, we are here to guide our patients and make sure they have the necessary tools when an unexpected emergency arises. Part of getting prepared is building your own dental emergency first-aid kit at home.

Sterile Gauze

Sterile gauze can serve several different purposes when you are dealing with a dental emergency. For one, if you have lost a tooth, have sustained an oral laceration, or have experienced some level of trauma that has led to bleeding, it will be important to have sterile gauze on hand to apply pressure to the wound. Steril gauze can also be used to handle a tooth when you don’t want to handle it with your hands.

Dental Mirror

Trauma to the oral cavity and teeth is not always readily visible by looking in a standard mirror. A dental mirror is a small instrument with a mirror that allows you to get a closer look at the interior of your mouth from the anterior angles.

Temporary Filling

You can purchase temporary filling material over the counter at just about any department or drug store. This putty-like material is malleable and packaged in a small container. If you sustain damage to one of your teeth or if a filling falls out, this malleable material can be used to protect the area until you get to the dentist.

Sealable Container

A good sealable container, such as a plastic container with a lid or a zippered baggie should be included in your dental first-aid kit. If a tooth is broken or knocked out, it will need to be protected from contamination until you get to the dentist.

Don’t forget contact information for an emergency dentist in Sugar Land, TX

It never hurts to take note of the nearest emergency dentist in Sugar Land, TX so you know exactly who to call when you need help. Reach out to us at First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry if you would like to know more about our same-day emergency dental care options.

Common Myths Surrounding Dental Bridges 

When you have lost a tooth or a few teeth that make up your smile, a dental bridge can restore the appearance and chewing power you once had. While dental bridges in Sugar Land, TX are effective, many patients don’t know a lot about these fixtures. In fact, quite a few myths are common when it comes to dental bridges. Here is a look at some of those myths and the real truths you should know as a prospective patient.

Myth: Dental bridges are not very stable

Dental bridges can be almost as stable as your natural teeth when they are made of quality materials, well-fitted to your mouth, and installed properly. This is why it is imperative to work with a dentist in Sugar Land who has ample experience working with bridges. If the bridge feels unstable after installation, it may only need to be slightly adjusted to make it more sturdy.

Myth: Dental bridges are always attached to existing teeth

Even though the traditional method of affixing a bridge and keeping it stationary has always been to attach it to surrounding teeth, today, you do have another option. Dental implants can also be used to support a dental bridge. For patients that may not have the strongest existing teeth that would be ideal for bridge attachment, dental implants can be a logical option.

Myth: Dental bridges are prone to breakage

Dental bridges can be made out of varying materials, each with its own capabilities when it comes to how much pressure it can withstand when you bite. For the most part, the materials used in modern dentistry are highly resilient and do not break easily. Older bridges can be prone to deterioration after they have been in use for several years, so they may need to be replaced.

Work with a Sugar Land, TX Dentist for Help

When created and installed by the skilled hands of a Sugar Land, TX dentist, a dental bridge can be the ideal way to complete an imperfect smile. If you would like to know more about bridgework, reach out to us at First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry to schedule an appointment.

The Connection Between Oral Health and Alzheimer’s 

By now, most people know about the connection between oral health and overall health. Poor oral health and the buildup of bacteria in the mouth can pollute the body, including the blood stream and the heart. But did you know that there is also a surprising link between poor oral health and Alzheimer’s? If you ever needed more motivation to visit your Sugar Land, TX dentist on a regular basis, the following information will surely be it.

Understanding Alzheimer’s

Before discussing the link between oral health and Alzheimer’s it’s important to fully understand the devastation of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia. Dementia is defined as a reduction in cognitive function, most notably memory function. While many older folks experience some level of dementia in their final years, this isn’t the same as Alzheimer’s. With dementia, a person may not be able to remember vocabulary words as readily as they did as a youngster. Or they may enter a room and forget why they came in there for a few seconds. But with Alzheimer’s the level of dementia is much more severe.

Eventually, people with Alzheimer’s may forget their loved ones, or even forget they have children. They may forget where they live, who they are or even where the bathroom is in their own house. This angers and frustrates them, and they may undergo marked personality changes, lashing out at those who are trying to help them. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s at this time.

Proven Link Between Poor Oral Health and Alzheimer’s

Recently, a significant and ominous connection was made between oral health and Alzheimer’s. Researchers discovered that a common oral bacteria, called Porphyromonas gingivalis, was in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. This particular bacteria is the main pathogen in patients who have chronic periodontitis. Another type of bacterium related to poor oral health, ginipains, was also identified in samples from brain tissue of Alzheimer’s patients. This is irrefutable evidence that oral bacteria can and does travel from the mouth to the brain, where it colonizes and plays a part in the advancement of Alzheimer’s disease.

The point here is that there is more at stake than having attractive teeth. Your very health is endangered when you don’t take oral health seriously. Book an appointment today with your Sugar Land, TX dentist, and visit your dentist every six months at a minimum.

Is it Still Safe to Get Dental Care During COVID?

The COVID pandemic has disrupted so many aspects of our normal lives. One area that has been altered is access to healthcare. For many, it’s been a challenge to receive treatment for conditions other than COVID. At First Dental, we are committed to continuing to provide dental care to our patients. Dental care in Sugarland, TX is available in a safe environment. Here are the precautions we are talking in the midst of this pandemic:

Personal Protective Wear

We are taking PPE very seriously at First Dental. Our first line of defense for staff and patients is PPE, or “personal protective equipment.” We ask that all persons entering our office for any reason wear an approved face mask. This includes patients, attending family members and friends and even couriers who may enter just for a minute to drop off or pick up packages. Our staff wears masks continually throughout the workday.

Our professional treatment staff wear a state-of-the-art Respiratory Protection Equipment Suit that allows the dentist and other treatment professionals to perform procedures without exposing themselves or their patients to potential threats from the COVID virus.

Protective Lighting

UV light has been known for decades to be an effective weapon against viruses. As such, we’ve invested in our patients’ health by installing an advanced UV lighting protection system within our A/C unit. The UV light sterilizes the air that passes through our ventilation system, helping to ensure that airborne particles are safer to breathe. This particular system is so effective, that we have decided to keep the system in place, even after the pandemic has passed.

Sterilization of Surfaces

Your Sugarland, TX dentist at First Dental is also highly sensitive to the number of people passing through the office on a daily basis. This is why surface sterilization takes such a high priority at our offices. Each day, we carefully clean and sterilize the lobby area, door handles, countertops and work room areas so that our office is as clean as possible for each of our patients.

At First Dental, we follow CDC guidelines, which include social distancing and certain other protective measures. We are fully committed to providing a safe environment for our dental patients in Sugarland, Texas.

How Gum Disease Progresses

A leading cause of tooth loss, gum disease consists of three primary stages. If detected early, it can usually be treated very successfully with gum disease laser therapy in Sugar Land, TX , possibly preventing tooth loss. But if left unchecked, it can do substantial damage to your teeth, gums, and even the bone structure supporting your teeth. However, if you stick to regular dental checkups and practicing excellent oral hygiene, gum disease can usually be prevented. As to how gum disease progresses, the following is information about its stages and symptoms.


The early stage of gum disease, gingivitis affects the soft tissue of your gums. Early on, you may not even notice any discomfort or problems. Gingivitis is characterized by such symptoms as gums that are swollen or bleeding, receding gums, increasing amounts of space between teeth, and experiencing bad breath or a metallic taste in your mouth. If you don’t do anything about gingivitis it will almost certainly progress to periodontitis eventually. The good news is that at this stage, gum disease is reversible with treatment from your Sugar Land, TX dentist..


The second and most advanced stage of gum disease, periodontitis will impact not only your gums but also the bone structure supporting your teeth. If you have not had regular dental checkups, it’s a good bet that once periodontitis is discovered, it will already have progressed to the moderate stage. When this happens, you’ll experience noticeable discomfort, have more parts of your gums become inflamed, have teeth that start to loosen and find your gums are receding. If you notice that teeth are shifting from their normal position, gaps are appearing and you have spots of inflammation on your gums, book an appointment with your Sugar Land Dentist right away.

Advanced Periodontitis

If your gum disease gets to the advanced periodontitis stage, it is very likely that you will lose some of your teeth. When this stage occurs, you will have painful abscesses in your mouth, resulting from an infection that has spread underneath your gums. Urgent dental treatment is essential at this point.

Rather than put yourself through this unnecessary pain and subsequent tooth loss, make getting regular dental checkups with your Sugar Land, TX dentist a top priority. By doing so, you’ll keep your gums healthy and prevent major tooth loss.

COVID-19 and Your Teeth – Is there a connection?

From fever and sore throat to difficulty with taste and smell, the COVID-19 virus has been linked to a litany of different symptoms. Risk factors for contracting the virus range from age to underlying medical conditions. But, could COVID bring about oral health concerns, or does your oral health have anything to do with COVID-19? Some researchers believe that to be the case. Known for our advanced dental treatment in Sugar Land, First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry has the facts.

Poor oral health may be a risk factor.

One small study in 2021 suggested that poor oral health may actually play a role in contracting SARS-CoV-2. The researchers noted that people who have poor oral health have more angiotensin-converting enzymes, and those enzymes may make it easier for the virus to break through cells when the viral cells enter the mouth. One study also stated that people with gum disease may actually be more likely to have more severe symptoms with the virus.

Complications of COVID-19 may be linked to oral health changes.

After experiencing COVID-19 complications, a patient may actually be more prone to certain oral health changes. However, the research for this is not well-established due to limited time for the measurement of virus outcomes. The reason behind this could be related to not practicing good oral hygiene while sick.

Be aware of dry mouth as a COVID symptom.

Some research on people with early symptoms of COVID-19 shows that dry mouth may be one of the more common symptoms people experience. In a study of 108 people with COVID-19, dry mouth was listed as the most common oral symptom. However, why this happens to be the case is not yet entirely clear. Some suggest that the virus may affect the salivary glands.

Talk to a Sugar Land Dentist for More Insight

If you believe COVID has affected your oral health or you fear you may be at risk because of poor oral health, talk to a Sugar Land dentist for advice. While there is still a great deal we do not fully know about COVID-19 and oral health, we can definitely help you keep a close eye on your teeth and gums. Reach out to us at First Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry to schedule an appointment.

What is Laser Dentistry Used For?  

Laser dentistry is a technologically-advanced dental treatment option for Sugar Land, TX dental patients. It’s often an ideal alternative for those who are highly averse to anesthesia, drilling, and/or needles. Your Sugar Land dentist offers laser dentistry for a variety of dental issues.

What is Laser Dentistry?

If you have never heard of laser dentistry in Sugar Land, TX before, you may think it’s brand new. While laser dentistry is innovative and technologically-advanced, it’s been used in dental practices since 1989. It’s widely used, FDA-approved, and considered to be very safe as well as highly effective.

Laser dentistry in Texas involves the use of specialized equipment that uses laser light in place of drills and other more traditional dental tools. The word LASER is an acronym that stands for “light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.” That in itself gives you an indication of how laser light works. It focuses light energy on the areas that need to be repaired or healed. Because laser light offers pinpoint accuracy, it can be used to direct intense energy directly on the specific points that are in distress in your mouth.

Laser Dentistry is a painless procedure. Many patients who undergo laser dentistry in Sugar Land forego anesthesia altogether. However, if you are reluctant about having dental treatments, you may still use sedation while having laser dentistry done The two are not mutually exclusive.

What is Laser Dentistry Used For?

Laser dentistry is used for teeth and gum procedures that treat a wide range of oral issues, including:

  • Periodontal disease
  • Pediatric issues
  • Canker sores
  • Root canals
  • Cavities (diagnosis and treatment)
  • Gingivitis
  • Teeth whitening
  • Tongue-tied problems
  • Teeth bonding

If you’re interested in last dentistry and how it might be used to treat your dental issues, you should contact your Sugar Land dentist for more information and details about your specific situation. But just so you know, laser dentistry is highly effective and sometimes even better than traditional dentistry. In fact, many patients find that laser dentistry offers a less painful way to get through complex dental procedures such as root canals.

Contact First Dental today to book an appointment. We’re happy to discuss how laser dentistry could be used to address all your family’s dental concerns.