
Water: A Simple Secret Behind Good Oral Health

Water—the human body is actually made up of roughly 60 percent of it. We, humans, are constantly told how important it is for us to drink water. Yet, a good portion of the population doesn't take in near enough on a daily basis. Not only is…

Are Mail-Order Braces a Good Idea?

You come across an ad for smile straighteners you can get right in the mail. Maybe you've always needed braces and never got them or have a few small issues you would like to correct. The idea of getting braces in the mail without ever visiting…
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Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Are you living with stained or damaged teeth? The appearance of your teeth affects most areas of your life. It determines how strangers form their first impression of you, and can be either helpful or detrimental when it comes time to interview…

How to Choose a New Dentist

If you have recently moved to a new place or switched jobs, there are several things that you need to take care of. One of the crucial things you need to do is look for a new dentist because oral health is vital and should never be overlooked.…

Bruxism: A Look at Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Grinding of the teeth, which is technically referred to as bruxism in the dentistry field, can have negative effects on the health of your smile. From broken and worn teeth to sore jaws, the negative implications can be severe. Find out the…

Is Tooth Decay a Hereditary?

Your mom/dad/sister/grandmother lost their teeth at an early age due to decay. You are not that old, but you have had a few cavities yourself. Your concerns about hereditary links to tooth decay may have you worried that you, too, will lose…

5 Things to Stop Doing NOW to Protect Your Teeth

The flash of a smile can change everything about how you're perceived, but so many of us take that for granted. Check out a few things that you should stop doing today if you want your smile health to last a lifetime. 1. Chewing Bubble Gum It's…

Recent Advances in Dental Technology That You Need to Know About

If it's been a while since your last dental appointment, you're probably unaware of certain advances in dental technology. Not only do these create a better patient experience, but they may also save you money while increasing the quality of…

Natural Ways to Help Prevent Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a serious dental disease that can lead to teeth shifting and teeth loss as well as other overall heath issues. It comes on slowly over time and is usually preventable, yet many people fail to take steps to prevent periodontal…
Family Smiling

What Does "Preventative Care" Mean in Dentistry?

When you're a kid, losing teeth is fun. If you're lucky, you'll get a visit from the tooth fairy, but even if she doesn't have time to stop by your house, you'll still get the esteemed privilege of showing people that huge gap where you proudly…