You may know a little about dental veneers, especially if you’re interested in improving your smile. This option is well-known for creating picture-perfect teeth without resorting to implants. What you might not know though is how the process works, who is a good candidate for it, and what exactly you can expect. We’ll take you through the top three questions, so you can make a more informed decision.

What Can I Expect When Getting Porcelain Dental Veneers?

This is a multi-appointment process, so be prepared to invest some time. You’ll first tell the prosthodontist (specialty dentist) what you’re looking for before the prosthodontist examines your teeth. Every veneer treatment will need to be customized depending on everything from the shape to the color to the spacing of your teeth. During the initial appointment, the prosthodontist may take X-rays.

On the next appointment, the dentist will prepare the tooth by removing a small amount of the tooth, making an impression, and then placing temporary veneers on the tooth. The last appointment will remove the temporary veneer and replace it with the permanent shell.

Why Choose Porcelain Over Composite?

Porcelain not only looks better, but it’s also more durable. You can choose the color of porcelain to ensure that it matches the rest of your teeth. When compared to other materials, it’s more resistant to staining. In general, a prosthodontist will recommend composite only if the tooth needs a very minor fix. In either case, the dental professional will work to preserve as much of the tooth’s original structure as possible

When Should I Not Get Dental Veneers?

The goal of dental veneers is to use the teeth you already have to make your smile come to life. If you have poor gum health or extensive tooth decay, dental veneers will simply cover up the problem. This may even make it harder for a dentist to administer another treatment should you need it sometime down the line.

Talking to your dentist will give you a better idea of how your dental veneer process will actually work. Your experience will be based on the extent of the work needed and the process of your dentist. Just make sure that you’re choosing someone who specializes in this procedure!


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