If you’re missing a tooth, filling the gap with a prosthetic tooth is important for your oral health and wellness. A missing tooth can cause the other teeth in the mouth to shift, leading to tooth misalignment and feelings of self-consciousness about your smile.

As your dentist in Sugarland, TX, we’re here to help. We have a number of solutions for people who are missing teeth, including dental bridges. The more you know about dental bridges and the other prosthetic teeth options available, the easier it will be for you to decide if this is the right option for you.

1. What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a prosthetic tooth held in place with crowns attached to the teeth on either side. Dental bridges are colored and shaped to match the other teeth in the mouth.

2. Who Needs a Dental Bridge?

If you’re missing a tooth and have two healthy teeth on either side of the gap, then you can benefit from a dental bridge. You may not be a good candidate for a dental bridge if the teeth adjacent to the gap in your mouth have been damaged.

3. Do Dental Bridges Look Natural?

Dental bridges look natural because they’re made to fit perfectly in the gap they’re filling. Dental bridges are also tooth-colored and matched to the other teeth in the mouth. No one will be able to tell you have a dental bridge in your mouth.

4. Are Dental Bridges Permanent?

Dental bridges are a permanent solution to the problem of a missing tooth. In order to install a dental bridge, the teeth on either side of the gap must be shaved down to make room for the crowns that will fit over them. Once this is done, the dental bridge is a permanent part of the mouth.

Are you interested in dental bridges in Sugarland, TX? At First Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we can answer your questions. Call today to make an appointment to learn more about filling the gap in your mouth with a dental bridge.


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