What Causes a Receding Gum Line?

Gingival tissue (aka gum tissue) is designed to support and protect the roots of the teeth. However, when gum recession occurs, these protective tissues start wearing away and retracting. As the gum line retracts, it gradually exposes the roots…

Common Myths Associated with Dental Bridges

For people who are missing teeth, bridges can be one of the most viable ways to complete their less-than-perfect smile. Dental bridges are reliable, effective, and long-lasting, but there are a lot of myths about these dental devices that breed…

Natural Ways to Help Prevent Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a serious dental disease that can lead to teeth shifting and teeth loss as well as other overall heath issues. It comes on slowly over time and is usually preventable, yet many people fail to take steps to prevent periodontal…

10 Foods That Are Bad For Your Teeth

If you're like most people, maintaining a healthy smile is important to you. But did you know that there are certain foods beverages that are bad for your teeth? Following are 10 of them. Citrus Citrus contains serious amounts of acid, and…

Treatments for Tooth Enamel Loss

Teeth grinding, aggressive brushing, abrasive foods, and acidic beverages can all take a toll on your tooth enamel. This thin, hard layer of protective material shields your teeth from painful temperatures and safeguards them while you’re…

Causes of Tooth Pain

If you have sudden or chronic pain tooth pain, it’s important that you get it diagnosed as soon as possible. Some causes of tooth pain are very temporary and not serious. Other reasons can be very serious and require the services of a professional…